Dr Anton Krige
MBChB DIMC FRCA FFICM AFMCP Dr Krige graduated from the University of Stellenbosch in Cape Town, South Africa, in 1994.
He emigrated to the UK in 1996 and following specialist training in Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine (including a fellowship year in Melbourne) has been practicing as a NHS hospital consultant since 2005 (full GMC registration since 1996 with specialist registration from 2005). He is an active clinical researcher & innovator within his NHS practice www.researchgate.net/profile/Anton_Krige Google Scholar He is a member of the Institute for Functional Medicine (IFM) and completed their intensive Applying Functional Medicine in Clinical Practice (AFMCP) course. He has subsequently completed many other related training courses and workshops and studies all areas of medicine voraciously using his extensive research skills to identify useful new knowledge to apply in his clinical practice. He provides a private virtual functional, personalised & precision medicine practice. |
Why functional medicine?
"I have been an endurance athlete for over thirty years and in my quest to maintain my performance as an ageing athlete with minimal time to exercise I implemented significant changes to my approach to nutrition along with targeted supplementation and many other lifestyle interventions over the past 5 years.
Not only did I feel much better after introducing the changes but various symptoms which I had chalked up to normal ageing simply disappeared including a joint pain of more than two decades duration. I now have consistent energy and focus, sleep better and recover faster than ever from intense exercise.
This led me to extensive self-study, using my research skills as an experienced clinician researcher, about the underlying causes of chronic disease & how to discover & address these causes. It was during this quest that I discovered the logical evidence -based principles of functional medicine & the obvious value of this approach.
Many patients with unexplained symptoms given a "functional illness" label & treated as having psychological/psychiatric problems. On the other hand I have encountered patients who have self-healed from various conditions using changes in nutrition and/or supplements. Unfortunately the current medical model does not have sufficient consultation time per patient, has little knowledge of the latest nutritional research and does not recognise the power of these interventions yet.
Through my study of functional medicine, & completion of the IFM AFMCP course, I have come into contact with like-minded clinicians from around the world which has been inspiring & life changing for me as a doctor. It has given me renewed passion for medicine.
I am passionate about sharing this knowledge and expertise so that others can also experience the best possible health and vitality throughout life.
Solving such complex problems is not easy but with time, patience and a shared approach between client and practitioner it can be done together using the principles of functional, personalised and precision medicine."
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